
The Smiley Face Science Fiction?

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The Smiley Face Science Fiction?

On May 4, 2017, Posted by , In 3d graphics,3ds max,Cities Of The Imagination,drawing,drawings, By ,,,, , With Comments Off on The Smiley Face Science Fiction?

The Smiley Face Science Fiction?

The smiley face, retro upon retro. Peel back the layers of time and remember all those occasions you went to buy goods…

The Smiley face

The commerce center is humid. The air-conditioning does not work and the sign overhead tells us to be happy…

In both the ground city malls and also in the floating 3Z city luxury malls, citizens can purchase the latest happy goods.

The giant aging large smiley face sign that hangs directly over the precinct walkway. Is it laughing at the citizens? Who knows…


Another smaller sign tells us to “smile”! Should this be something that we are told to do? How threatening!

smile sign

In the rush hour things get more busy, like  insects rushing to their preordained tasks. Each walking body can be dismissed as just an insect shell. However, they are the same as us and they are the centers of their universes as well.

smiley face science fiction


An constant beat, like electric notation. Repetition. Beautiful yet disturbing as well…

Buy the limited edition print here and follow the development of the 3Z Universe

Support The 3Z City Universe

Help me expand the 3Z universe, make more work help create this universe! Every week in 2017, I am trying to make a new piece of 3Z Universe art so that by then end of this year, I will have enough images to make a picture book and some more nice goodies! After that, I want to keep expanding this universe as a graphic novel and a short animation. It takes time and any donation you make will be gratefully received.

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You can also request to buy a sketch like the ones above or request a commission for your home or business, e mail me at info@jamesabellart.com to discuss.

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