
How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere

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How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere

How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere

I’m going to show you how you can design, create and make (almost) anything (almost) anywhere you are in the world without spending lots of money. How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere….

Sometimes we feel trapped by where live or what we can do with our resources we have at any one moment. We may feel that we are in a place that offers little in the way of opportunities for our life long goals.

We can move to where there are opportunities. Sometimes, due to resources, we cannot do that immediately. If we are artists or designers it can be especially frustrating as there are only a few cluster cities for example London and New York where “the exciting contacts” reside.

For example, I love New York and I also lived for short periods of time in Montreal, Canada. It would be great to live in these cities and it makes me want to go back there when I look at the photos of these places while I am back in Scotland. I know, many would love to live in the UK and have the potential of London on their doorstep. However, the grass is always greener!

how to make almost anything

how to make almost anything

However, there is good news, If you are an artist or designer you can use maker tools without having the privilege to work for a large company with resources such as 3D printers. This means, as creators with a business idea we can all strive towards where we want to be in life and our careers.

When we have a project, something we want to make physically if feels almost impossible.

Now, tools are available where we can make almost anything. There should be a FabLab or Makerspace near you!

Those of you who follow me already, I make a series of imaginary city artworks…

How I Made An Imaginary City Model Kit In “The Middle Of Nowhere”

So perhaps like myself, you feel that you belong in another part of the World and you want to plan out a possibility of working towards that goal. A good way to start is to make some awesome work.

This is where this blog post could start to give you some ideas.


Fab Lab Ísafjörður

Fab Lab Ísafjörður

In April 2016, I was really lucky to be invited to do an art residency at FabLab Ísafjörður.  This FabLab is in the NorthWest of Iceland and only about 300Km from Greenland. In other words, quite an extreme location!

At the start of my stay here, I figured that if I could make a big creative project with an end product here, I could make it anywhere and that by making a product, it would push my personal goals and ambitions further onwards to where I want to go.

Having said that, despite the location, the town of Isafjordur is a great place and has all the modern amenities such as a sports centre and amazing restaurants.

3Z Arctic City 1:200 Model Kit

I made an imaginary city Arctic 3Z Floating City as a product kit.

I was completely able to make a product here by using the fantastic scenery as inspiration and all the resources at the FabLab there. Anywhere where there is a FabLab, you can make almost anything you want, this concept originated from a workshop idea by the MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld. This workshop served as the birth idea for FabLabs, the story is fascinating and you should check out this video about it.

Below you can see the model kit I made at the FabLab. I’m not going to go into the details of making it here. You can check that out on the Instructables I made, click on the images or the link below them to go to it!

3Z Arctic City

3Z Arctic City

3Z Arctic City

3Z Arctic City

Arctic City Boxed Kit

Arctic City Boxed Kit

city model kit

city model kit

model kit

model kit

Fab Lab Ísafjörður

Fab Lab Ísafjörður

Here are a few go to Instructables Link.



So within about two months, as well as working on other things, I managed to make a product just by using this relatively remote FabLab. Check out the video below too that gives you a bit more detail on the making of this imaginary city…

Will people begin to sustain and prosper in smaller communities than all congregating in the cities? 

As 3d printers get faster (need evidence and link to this), making anything anywhere beyond just prototyping could become a reality.

From toys, tv movie props, model kits, solutions to problems, wherever there is a 3d printer and maker tools we can get stuff done.

I love making imaginary cities that have the potential to work in Hollywood films and animation, with access to FabLabs and Makerspaces, I can keep making these cities of the imagination. Even in my own home with an ever affordable but extremely reliable 3D printer such as the Ultimaker 2.

Check out the fictional story and a movie about the 3Z city on my last Blog post.

Now You Make Whatever You Want To, Wherever You Want To…

The new industrial revolution decentralises the possibilities both with creativity.

Neil Gershenfeld

Neil Gershenfeld

While I agree that doing something where there is an established industry, for example making movie props in Hollywood or London is going to dramatically increase your chances of getting a good contract. However, don’t let this stop you wherever you live. If you live near a FabLab, Makerspace or near any maker tools you have the power to design and at least prototype your dream idea! With the power of social media and Youtube, if you can make something and put it out there wherever in the World you are, you stand some chances of selling the product or getting it seen by clients or customers who want to buy it.

There are maker spaces in a lot of places in the world just do a google search of your local area.

For FabLabs, click on this image to go to an interactive map!

FabLab map

FabLab map

Not only that, if you like to make things. You will meet so many new people, get new ideas and share. Make, learn and share!

I love it when a 3D print comes together

I love it when a 3D print comes together

How You Can Help Me

If you are interested in buying one of these model kits, email me for more information info@jamesabellart.com I will also let you know when it is available (very soon).

I hope you enjoyed this “How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere”  post. If you want to say thanks and help me to make more blog posts in the future.

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Buy my art  here on my online shop . 


I look forward to talking with you again soon and keep making and creating and I always love to hear how this has helped you and what you have created!

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One Comment so far:

  1. […] Now, see how I made this as 1:200 model kit product in the “middle of nowhere” in a FabLab in the Northwest of Iceland. […]